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2019 KC SHRM Speakers & Presentations


Gina Hester & Jennie Gonzales

Common DLSE Violations & the Investigation Process

Dr. John Stark

Basics in Employee Values & Attitudes Impacting the Bottom Line

Jerry Pearson & Denise Montecino

Taking the Stigma out of the Interactive Process

John Hutson & Alice Goldsmith

Creating a Brand Culture

CSUDH Professor Panel Lead by Dr. Brian Jarrett

An Interest-based Approach to Leadership

Lilliana Salazar

Critical Developments Impacting Employee Benefits for 2020

Alden Parker

Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace

Robin Paggi

Having Difficult Discussions

Felicia Gomez

Adapting Workplace Wellness Programs

Tracy Leach

HR & PR – Working Together to Manage Crises Like a Boss

Jon Decoteau

Certification & how to Invest in Your Career

Melissa Anzman

Create an Effective Employee Experience Strategy Using HR Metrics

Sue Watson

Re-engaging the Cerebral Cortex to Manage Conflict

Dr. Juanita Webb

Don't put a Band-aid on Diversity & Inclusion

Lauren Patterson

Empowering Employees Through Coaching, Not Micromanagement

Speaker Biographies

Alden Parker

Alice Goldsmith

Dr. Brian Jarrett

Jon Decoteau

Denise Montecino

Felicia Gomez

Jennie N. Gonzalez

Jerry Pearson

Dr. John B. Stark

Jon Hutson

Dr. Juanita Webb

Dr. Kara Dellacioppa

Lauren Patterson

Liliana Salazar

Melissa Anzman

Ambassador J. Steven Rhodes

Sue Watson

Tracy Leach

Robin Paggi

Gina Hester