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Scholarship Info

Kern County Society for Human Resource Management (KC SHRM) strives to develop human resource professionals within the regional business community by providing essential knowledge and education; facilitating opportunities for personal interaction; and serving as liaison and advocate to other regional, state and national entities.

Consistent with KC SHRM’s commitment to our members, education, and the community, the organization is proud to award scholarships to members who have the desire to advance their Human Resources knowledge.

Scholarships will be awarded, based on available funding, to selected applicant(s) which meet the following criteria:


      1. Applicant must be a member of KC SHRM in good standing at the time of application.
      2. Application must be completed in full, with all supporting documentation attached at time of submission.
      3. Applicant has or will be enrolled in a HR certification course, directly related HR program, or registered to take a HR certification exam.
      4. Applicant will not be eligible for an award if they have received the scholarship in the past two years.
      5. All criteria are subject to consideration upon review and verification by the KC SHRM board.
      6. Applicant should submit their application by email to by September 5, 2025.


Submit your application by email to KERNCOUNTYSHRM@GMAIL.COM

Submissions are considered complete when a confirmation email is sent by a representative of the KC SHRM board.
Scholarship award recipients will be notified within eight (8) weeks of the application deadline or at the earliest convenience of the KC SHRM board.

Thank you for your interest in advancing your knowledge in the Human Resources profession.