Board Recruitment


2025 Board of Directors

Applications close on October 03, 2024

Kern County SHRM is currently seeking dedicated, energetic, and empowered HR professionals and partners to serve as leaders on the 2025 Kern County SHRM Board of Directors.

The Board of Kern County SHRM primary goal is to foster an educational environment that is facilitated by the exchange of information and ideas. 

Please nominate only yourself for a position on the Board. If you know of another Professional Member whom you think would be qualified and interested in serving, please discuss the idea with the member and encourage them to apply.

To serve on the board you must be able to meet the following criteria:

  • Must be a member of Kern County SHRM
  • Must attend all Board meetings per month (typically the 2nd Wednesday of each month, 11:30am-1:00 pm)
  • Be able to provide the time necessary to carry out the specific duties of the position
  • Must attend chapter events during the year
  • Must attend and represent KCSHRM at community engagements

The following Board positions are up for nomination and subsequent election by the membership in October:

Please complete and email the below application to to serve on the 2025 Board of Directors. Cherrity Ricks, 2025 President will reach out with more information. 

Please complete and email the below application to to serve on the 2025 Board of Directors. Cherrity Ricks, 2025 President will reach out with more information.